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Observation Time (info)

This is an ASCII-text file that contains the observation time, and its corresponding frame number.

File name

infoYYMMs steady
infoYYMMe event

Unit of storage

One file per one month



Example of Contents

s99030108001 ss17990301001 990301 080023 140022 000001 021600 TRACK
s99030108001 sz00990301001
s99030108002 ss17990301037 990301 140023 151458 021601 026076 TRACK
s99030108002 ss34990301001 990301 080023 151458 000001 026076 TRACK
s99030108002 sl00990301001
s99030108002 sz00990301001

The 1st, 3rd, and 4th lines are the records for raw-data files and the 2nd and 6th lines are for 'SZ' files. From the left: The volume ID of the master CD-ROM for this data, the first file name of the sequence of raw-data files, observing date, the time (JST) of the first frame in the corresponding data file, that of the last frame, ID number of the first frame, that of the last frame, and the recording mode (TRACK means the ordinary observation sequence). In this example, it means that the data of 1999-3-1 is contained in the CD-ROM s99030108001 and s99030108002. From the 1st to the 36th file are in CD-ROM s99030108001. These files include frame 1 to 21600 that correspond to the data from 8:00:23 JST to 14:00:22 JST. The CD-ROM s99030108002 has the data from 14:00:23 JST to 15:14:58 JST. Each of these CD-ROMS has its own sz00990301001 file.

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次へ: R/L phase difference (rlphdif) 上へ: NoRH data 戻る: Images (ifa,ifs,ifz,ipa,ips,ipz)   目次