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次へ: Observation mode of NoRH 上へ: Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) Analysis 戻る: Compilation of synthesis programs   目次

NoRH data

In this section, the NoRH data is explained in detail (Table 3). We use marks that are explained in Table 4.

表 3: NoRH data
pre-fix contents directory
ss17,ss34 raw data (steady mode) anywhere [raw/steady]
se17,se34 raw data (event mode) anywhere [raw/event]
sz00 'SZ' data anywhere [raw/steady,data/sz_update]
ifa,ifs,ifr,ifl,ifz Full Sun Image anywhere [images]
ipa,ips,ipr,ipl,ipz Partial Sun Image anywhere [images]
info observation time data/info
rlphdif R/L phase difference data/rlphdif
tsa,tsz averaged correlation data/tsx
tca,tcz averaged correlation (only R+L) data/tcx
eva,evz event list data/evx
lob observation log (antenna conditions etc.) data/lob
rep tohban report data/rep
[ ] : at the NSRO archive (nsrl-archive)

表 4: abreviation marks used for file names
YY last two digits of year
MM month
DD day
HH hour
MN minute
SS second
LLL milli-second
### sequential number
S schedule ID

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次へ: Observation mode of NoRH 上へ: Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) Analysis 戻る: Compilation of synthesis programs   目次