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: Data Analysis : Image Synthesis : Pre-Processing for Image Synthesis   目次

Image Synthesis

This package has three programs for synthesis, See table 2 for supporting data. Detailed description for each program is given in Section 5.

Note ! All the synthesis programs are written in Fortran 77 (partially 90). The IDL procedures described in this section call externally the executive binaries of these programs. We prepared the binaries for Sun/Sparc, NEC/SX, NEC/EWS architectures in this package. So it is possible to synthesize the NoRH package on machines with these architecture. To run on others, it is necessary to compile them by yourself (You have to purchase commercial numerical library in this case. See Section 5 for detail.).

(1) Basics

For example, to synthesize one frame (image) every 600 seconds between 1997-4-20 1:30 UT and 3:30 UT,
IDL> st_time='1997-04-20 1:30:00' $<$CR$>$
IDL> ed_time='1997-04-20 3:30:00' $<$CR$>$
IDL> interval=600 $<$CR$>$
IDL> norh_synth,st_time,ed_time,interval $<$CR$>$
Note that in this case, the synthesis program runs on the local workstation that you are working on. To synthesize on some remote machine,
IDL> norh_synth,st_time,ed_time,interval,host='sx' $<$CR$>$
Then, the program will run on remote machine 'sx' as a foreground job.
To submit the job to the system running under NQS (Network Queing System; standard queing system for super-computers),
IDL> norh_synth,st_time,ed_time,interval,host='sx',queue='B' $<$CR$>$

(2) Non-uniformly spaced

You may synthesize the images non-uniformly in time. For example, for images at 1997-4-20 1:30, 1:40 and 1997-4-21 2:00 UT,
IDL> time=['1997-04-20 1:30:00','1997-04-20 1:40:00' ,'1997-4-21 2:00:00'] $<$CR$>$
IDL> norh_synth,time $<$CR$>$

(3) 34GHz

For synthesis of 34GHz images8,
IDL> norh_synth,time,freq=34 $<$CR$>$

(4) Event mode

To synthesize the data of the event mode:
IDL> norh_synth,time,/event $<$CR$>$

(5) Koshix, Fujiki

The default synthesis program is Hanaoka. To use Koshix or Fujiki, 9:
IDL> norh_synth,time,prog='koshix' $<$CR$>$

(6) Partial Sun image

For partial Sun images, the spatial shift from the Sun center to the image center and the size of the field of view have to be given. The spatial shift could be given by unit of [1] arc-seconds or [2] pixel. See table 2 for size of pixel in unit of arcsec. The size of FOV is given as number of pixels. See table 2 for size of field of view in unit of pixels for each synthesis program. For example, for an image that has (-431,54) arc-seconds shift from the Sun center to the image center and with FOV (256$\times$ 256) pixels,
IDL> norh_synth,time,cenunit=1,cenfnl=[-431,54],size=256 $<$CR$>$
For (100,-20) pixel shifted image,
IDL> norh_synth,time,cenunit=2,cenfnl=[100,-20],size=128 $<$CR$>$

(7) Syntesize an image at the designated time

In default, the frame to be synthesized is chosen by using 'info' data (Appendix A.6). But in this case it sometimes chooses the frame a little bit (1-sec at maximum) away from the designated time. If you need to synthesize image with more accurate timing, use 'tsx' data (Appendix A.8) as follows10
IDL> norh_synth,st_time,ed_time,interval,/usetsx $<$CR$>$

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: Data Analysis : Image Synthesis : Pre-Processing for Image Synthesis   目次
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日