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: Hanaoka : Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) Analysis : Pre-processing for usage of   目次

Detailed Description of Synthesis Programs

The standard NoRH synthesis programs, Hanaoka, Koshix, Fujiki are explained in this section (table 2). The executable binary files are given for Sun/Sparc, NEC/EWS, NEC/SX architectures in this package. Compile procedure will be necessary if you run these programs on others. See section 5.4 (You may have to purchase commercial numerical libraries).

表 2: Summary of synthesis programs
  Supported data [Yes/No] Pixel Size [arcsec] Field of View [pixel]
  17/34GHz Steady/Event Full/Part 17GHz 34GHz 17GHz 34GHz
Hanaoka Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y 4.9 2.45 $\le 512$ $\le 1024$
Koshix Y/N Y/Y Y/Y 4.9 - $\le 512$ -
Fujiki Y/N Y/Y -/Y 2.45 - 128 -

Hanaoka good at flares, no-good at diffuse sources
Koshix good at diffuse faint sources, no-good at flares
Fujiki high-spatial resolution synthesis of compact sources

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: Hanaoka : Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) Analysis : Pre-processing for usage of   目次
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日