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: Polarization Plot : Example of Analysis Session : Image Synthesis   目次

Image Plot

図 2: 17GHz (R+L) image
図 3: distribution of 17GHz circular polarization degree
\epsfxsize =10cm
\epsfbox {norh_plot_a.eps}\end{ce...
\epsfxsize =10cm
\epsfbox {norh_plot_s.eps}\end{center}\end{figure}

Next, plot the images. We use a FITS file ipa990828_005642. This file contains "an image of partial Sun of 17 GHz (R+L) component at 00:56:42 UT on Aug 28, 1999". To read
IDL> file='./ipa990828_005642' $<$CR$>$
IDL> norh_rd_img,file,indexa,dataa $<$CR$>$
IDL> stepper,dataa,norh_get_info(indexa) $<$CR$>$
IDL> norh_grid,indexa $<$CR$>$
Easy plot is (Fig 2)
IDL> norh_plot,indexa,dataa $<$CR$>$
The unit of data is brightness temperature (K). Solar north is up.
For preparing to overplot with other instrumental data, change the data format to SolarSoftware map.
IDL> norh_index2map,indexa,dataa,mapa $<$CR$>$
IDL> plot_map,mapa,/cont,/grid $<$CR$>$
IDL> beam=norh_beam(indexa,xbeam=xbeam) $<$CR$>$
IDL> contour,beam,!x.crange(0)+xbeam,!y.crange(0)+xbeam,/over,levels=[0.5] $<$CR$>$

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: Polarization Plot : Example of Analysis Session : Image Synthesis   目次
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日