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: Image synthesis : Image data : Image Files at NSRO   目次

Transfer of raw data

You have to transfer the raw-data and 'SZ' files (Appendix A.3 and A.4) from NSRO archive (Appendix C) to your computer through the network before synthesis of the NoRH images. It is convenient to use the norh_trans command for this purpose. This is a C-shell script that can be run on any UNIX machine. Or you can directly log in the NSRO anonymous FTP server.

Note ! The size of one raw-data file is about 16 Mbytes (that includes 10 min. of data, i.e. 600 image frames). We strongly ask the users who are far away (in the sence of the network) to request us to send the data to you by ordinary mail as a form of CD-ROM (see Appendix C).

(1) By using norh_trans

After editing the input file (say input) adequately
unix% norh_trans input $<$CR$>$
The raw data files as well as corresponding 'SZ' files will be transfered. The format of the input file is as follows:
ss17980214006 # 17GHz
ss34980214006 # 34GHz
ss17920812002 b # schedule b
se17990216085759 # event

One line corresponds to one raw-data file. For steady-mode data that has multiple schedules (Appendix A.2),
(file name) (schedule ID)
The explanation for schedule and names of files are given in Appendix A.

(2) By logging in to anonymous FTP server

You can get the data by logging in to the FTP server,
unix% ftp $<$CR$>$
The NoRH raw-data is put in the directory /pub/norh/raw. Do not forget to retrieve the 'SZ' file for corresponding day.

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: Image synthesis : Image data : Image Files at NSRO   目次
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日