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: Pre-processing for usage of : Image data : Transfer of raw data   目次

Image synthesis

This package has three programs for synthesis, See table 2 for supporting data. Detailed description for each program is given in Section 5.

Note ! All the synthesis programs are written in Fortran 77 (partially 90). The C-shell scripts described in this section call externally the executive binaries of these programs. We prepared the binaries for Sun/Sparc, NEC/SX, NEC/EWS architectures in this package. So it is possible to synthesize the NoRH package on machines with these architecture. If you run on other, it is necessary to compile them by yourself (You have to purchase commercial numerical library in this case. See section 5 for detail.).

It is convenient to use the norh_synth command for synthesis. This is a C-shell script that can be run on any UNIX machine. After editing the input file (say input)
unix% norh_synth input $<$CR$>$
The format of input file is dependent on what synthesis program is used. See section 5 for detailed information.

The default program is Hanaoka for 17GHz data. For 34GHz data,
unix% norh_synth -p hanaoka34 input $<$CR$>$
For using Fujiki,
unix% norh_synth -p fujiki17 input $<$CR$>$
For using Koshix,
unix% norh_synth -p koshix17 input $<$CR$>$

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: Pre-processing for usage of : Image data : Transfer of raw data   目次
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日