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: Fujiki : Detailed Description of Synthesis : Hanaoka   目次


This program is based on the Steer algorithm. It applies the CLEAN method to the diffuse sources on the images and is good at analysis of the quiet Sun and filaments. On the other hand, it is not good at flares.

Present version ver. 6.2

Supported computer architecture NEC/SX, NEC/EWS, Sun/Sparc

Supported data 17GHz (non-support for 34GHz), Steady/Event, Full/Partial Sun

Pixel Size 4.9 arcsec/pixel

Field of View Under 512 pixels.

How to use
(1) unix% koshix17 $<$ input
(2) unix% norh_synth -p koshix17 input
(3) IDL> norh_synth,time,prog='koshix',freq=17

Example of input file

The line numbers are given for convinience. The item with ( *) usually do not have to be changed. A template is given in ${NORH} /soft/synthesis/koshix.

1: . ; output directory
2: ss17980419 ; raw-data file name
3: sz00980419001 ; 'SZ' file name
4: 512 ; FOV pixel size
5: 1,0,0 ; image center offset from Sun center
6: 1 ; start frame number
7: 3600 ; end frame number
8: 600 ; frame interval
9: 1 ; *number of integration frames for calibration
10: 1 ; *number of integration frames for synthesis
11: 3000,3000 ; *CLEAN criterion (R+L), (R-L)

Explanation for each item

(line 1) output directory

(line 2) raw-data file name
In case of steady-mode data, give only ss FFYYMMDD where FF is frequency (17 or 34), YYMMDD is the date of observation. Do not give full file name like ss FFYYMMDD### where ### is the file number. That is automatically calculated from the given frame. In case of event-mode data, give full file name.

(line 3) 'SZ' file name
'SZ' file name corresponding to the raw-data file.

(line 4) pixel size of the field of view
A square region with pixel size given in this line will be the field of view of the syntehsized image. In case of 17GHz data, the full Sun image is 512-pixel square, and in case of 34GHz data, that is 1024-pixel square. Pixel size is 4.9 (2.45) arcsec for 17GHz (34GHz).

(line 5) image center offset from Sun center
Give non-zero values if you synthesize an image with the center that has an offset from the Sun center. The first element indicates the unit of shift, arcsec if 1, pixel if 2. If you do not want to get a shifted image, just give ' 1,0,0'.

(line 6) first frame to synthesize
Give zero in case of non-uniform interval.

(line 7) last frame to synthesize
Give number of frames in case of non-uniform interval.

(line 8) frame interval
Give frame numbers in case of non-uniform interval. If it's too long, give in multiple lines.

(line 9) number of intergration frames for calibration

(line 10) number of intergration frames for synthesis

(line 11) CLEAN criterion 1
Continue CLEAN until the maximum of the dirty map will become this value. The unit is brightness temperature (steady solar disk is 10000 K). For 17GHz data, give values for (R+L) and (R-L), the recommended values are 3000 and 3000, respectively.

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: Fujiki : Detailed Description of Synthesis : Hanaoka   目次
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日