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: NoRH data : Detailed Description of Synthesis : Fujiki   目次

Compilation of synthesis programs

All the synthesis programs are written in Fortran 77 (partially 90). The executable binary files are given for Sun/Sparc, NEC/EWS, NEC/SX architectures in this package. Compile procedure that is explained in this section will be necessary if you run these programs on other architectures. You may have to purchase commercial numerical libraries.

(1) install numerical libraries

Get and install the following numerical libraries.

Fujitsu/SSLII Commercial
NEC/ASL Commercial

Note ! NEC/ASL is necessary only to compile on NEC/SX or NEC/EWS.

(2) install the FITSIO library

Get and install the I/O library for FITS format data from

(3) compile HeliogLib

Compile and create library under ${NORH} /soft/helioglib.

(4) compile the synthesis programs

Compile the programs under ${NORH} /soft/synthesis.

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: NoRH data : Detailed Description of Synthesis : Fujiki   目次
Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日