For the choosen event, synthesize images.
Before this, search for the already synthesized images
in our FTP server since we prepare images for
most of the important events. The URL is
It can be reached by following the link in our web page11.
For the one who wants to synthesize by her/himself,
do the following two sets of commands.
IDL> norh_trans,['1999-8-28 0:56:42']CR
IDL> norh_synth,['1999-8-28 0:56:42']CR
The former is for transfering the raw data file (ss17990828...
including Fourier components and sz00990828...
including ephemeris parameters)
from NSRO archive to the current directory. It takes several minutes
depending on the network condition. Please ignore the warning message
"No such file or directory". If the trasfer is successful,
you have files named ss17990828027 ( 16 Mbyte) and
sz00990828001 (
200 byte). The second command is the
actual synthesis procedure and it takes tens of seconds to a few minutes
per an image. If it is successful, you will obtain
ifa990828_005642 and ifs990828_005642 in the current directory.
These are the FITS files whose contents are NoRH (R+L) and (R-L) images,
respectively. For spectrum analysis, make also 34 GHz image,
IDL> norh_trans,['1999-8-28 0:56:42'],freq=34CR
IDL> norh_synth,['1999-8-28 0:56:42'],freq=34CR
Similarly, the raw data files (ss17990828... and
sz00990828... are transformed and image FITS file
ifz990828_005642 is made. Note only (R+L) component for 34 GHz image.