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: Detailed Description of Synthesis : Analysis without IDL : Image synthesis   目次

Pre-processing for usage of AIPS

AIPS is a popular software among the radio astronomical society. You have to re-format the NoRH raw data to be readable by AIPS. The program c2fits is developed for this purpose.

For 17GHz data,
unix% c2fits17 $<$ input $<$CR$>$
For 34GHz data,
unix% c2fits34 $<$ input $<$CR$>$
The format of input file (a template is given in ${NORH} /soft/c2fits) is as follows,

Inputs file for C2FITS17
Data file path and prefix     : ./ss17921008
Ephemeris file path and name  : ./sz00921008001
Frame info file path and name : ./info
Phase diff file path and name : ../../../data/rlphdif/sun0706_2rlphdif
Output file path and name     : 921008F
Start time                    : 110000
End time                      : 111000
UT or JST?                    : JST
Image Averging time           :  10
Image Increment               : 300
Smoothing Time (sec)          :   1
Bypass Amplitude Calibration? :  NO
Fixed Calibration Interval?   :  NO
Start time of interval        : 120001
End time of interval          : 120010
Dump calibration solutions?   :  NO
Skip output of FITS files?    :  NO

Note 1: The meaning of bypassing the amplitude calibration is that
        instead of computing the amplitude of the complex gains
        explicitly, the value 1.0 is used for all antennas. If the
        amplitude calibration is bypassed the amplitude smoothing
        time is ignored.

Note 2: If a fixed calibration interval is used, the smoothing time
        is ignored. It is assumed that the time standard for the
        fixed calibration interval is the same as that of the data

Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日