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: How to set up : Introduction : Introduction   目次

What's New

Change from ver 2.2

$\bullet$ Significant update of spectrum analysis procedure norh_polariz (section 3.5.7), norh_alpha (section 3.5.9). New procedures ramaty_gysy, dulk_gysy (section 3.5.11), dulk_frfr (section 3.5.12).

$\bullet$ Easy plot procedure norh_plot (section 3.6.4, 3.6.5) and norh_plot_alpha (section 3.6.6).

$\bullet$ New procedure for reading raw data directly norh_rd_rdt (section 3.7.1)

$\bullet$ New procedure for obtaining the position (azimuth and elevation) of the Sun in Nobeyama norh_t2azel (section 3.7.3).

$\bullet$ New procedure for obtaining the correspondance between antenna number and name (section 3.7.2).

$\bullet$ How to make original SZ file (section 3.7.4)

$\bullet$ Remove norh_dat

$\bullet$ Add new database for Sun tracking

Takaaki YOKOYAMA 平成12年10月25日